Alors que je suis malade et aphone, je rêve de VACANCES, de soleil et de chaleur. Il tombait encore quelques flocons vendredi à Montréal...
Mais il paraît que le beau temps et des températures printanières arrivent chez nous cette semaine! je croise les doigts! et j'ai hâte de porter short, jupe, robe....
While I am sick and voiceless, I dream of HOLIDAYS, sun and heat. It fell a few flakesFriday in Montreal ...
But it seems that the good weather and spring temperatures arrive here this week! I cross my fingers!and I can not wait to wear shorts, skirt, dress ....
While I am sick and voiceless, I dream of HOLIDAYS, sun and heat. It fell a few flakesFriday in Montreal ...
But it seems that the good weather and spring temperatures arrive here this week! I cross my fingers!and I can not wait to wear shorts, skirt, dress ....
Oh j'espère que tu as raison... et que le soleil arrivera la semaine prochaine!! car nous aussi on sera au canada!!! ;-)