Avant notre départ, en fille avertie qui savait qu'elle ne disposait pas beaucoup de temps sur place, j'ai listé les shops que je voulais absolument faire et comme la vie est souvent bien faite, toutes ces ptites merveilles de boutiques se trouvaient proches les unes des autres sur Broadway et sur la 5th avenue entre West 28th street et à peu près Prince Street. Bon, en gros un périmètre restreint et faisable en un après-midi en sachant que 2 hommes (fabuleux et patients...mais faut pas abuser non plus) nous accompagnaient, MJ et moi.
Alors les impératifs, les immanquables:
- Madewell - photos 5 et 6 - (simple et cool, pas trop cher et hautement désirable, chaque pièce est un bijou et les chaussures, les chaussures!!! )
- Anthropologie - photo 8 - (vivement que çca ouvre à Montréal, mais surtout pour la déco intérieure)
- Maison Scotch -photo 4 - (aïe, la visa a saigné pour Maison Scotch...)
- ABC Carpet & Home -photo 7 - (la caverne d'Ali Baba version ultra luxe, cool, pointu)
- Scoop - photo 1, 2, 3- (que du beau linge, sac, chaussures...mais inaccessible financièrement parlant...ha non, en fait avec MJ on avait remarqué une culotte Stella McCartney à 46$)
Tellement de boutiques, si peu de temps... Mais le simple fait de marcher dans les rues de NY un samedi après-midi, écouter la circulation, regarder le style des new-yorkais, essayer d'attraper un taxi (ils s'arrêtent pas à tous les coups ou te mettent un vent!) est une expérience en soi. Bon si en plus, tu rentres avec plein de sacs dans ta chambre d'hôtel pour un défilé de mode à ton mari, c'est le must. Matérialiste, moi? :-)
Good evening,
Before we left, as I knew we did not have much time there, I listed the shops that I really wanted to do and... Good surprise! all these wonderful little shops were close each other on Broadway and 5th Avenue between West 28th street and Prince Street. Well, basically a small area that you can do in an afternoon (don't forget that 2 guys were with us, 2 fabulous and patient husbands accompanied us, MJ and me).
Here the essential:
- Madewell (simple and cool, not too expensive and highly desirable, each piece is a jewelry and shoes, shoes!)
- Anthropology (I can't wait it opens in Montreal, but only for interior decoration, not a big fan of their clothes)
- Maison Scotch (ouch, the visa almost burnt for Scotch House ...)
- ABC Carpet & Home (the cave of Ali Baba ultra deluxe version, cool, sharp)
- Scoop (only designer clothes, bags, shoes ... financially inaccessible... ha ! no, actually we noticed a Stella McCartney trousers at $ 46)
So many shops, so little time ... But the simple act of walking the streets of NY on a Saturday afternoon listening to the traffic, look at the style of the people of New York, trying to catch a taxi (they dot not stop every time or they stop and day NO) is an experience in itself. But if you can come back with lots of bags in your hotel room for a fashion show in front of your husband, it's a must. Materialistic, me? :-)
Before we left, as I knew we did not have much time there, I listed the shops that I really wanted to do and... Good surprise! all these wonderful little shops were close each other on Broadway and 5th Avenue between West 28th street and Prince Street. Well, basically a small area that you can do in an afternoon (don't forget that 2 guys were with us, 2 fabulous and patient husbands accompanied us, MJ and me).
Here the essential:
- Madewell (simple and cool, not too expensive and highly desirable, each piece is a jewelry and shoes, shoes!)
- Anthropology (I can't wait it opens in Montreal, but only for interior decoration, not a big fan of their clothes)
- Maison Scotch (ouch, the visa almost burnt for Scotch House ...)
- ABC Carpet & Home (the cave of Ali Baba ultra deluxe version, cool, sharp)
- Scoop (only designer clothes, bags, shoes ... financially inaccessible... ha ! no, actually we noticed a Stella McCartney trousers at $ 46)
So many shops, so little time ... But the simple act of walking the streets of NY on a Saturday afternoon listening to the traffic, look at the style of the people of New York, trying to catch a taxi (they dot not stop every time or they stop and day NO) is an experience in itself. But if you can come back with lots of bags in your hotel room for a fashion show in front of your husband, it's a must. Materialistic, me? :-)
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